Your Entire Business
All. In. One.
Our solutions are adaptable and transformative for just about every need. With our all-in-one solution, you'll be acquiring and retaining new families faster and enabling your staff to be the best educators they can be. Let's take your services to the next level, together.
Take The Tour
Check out a quick summary of the key features and benefits of the Kindertales platform.

Efficiency for Administrators
Billing & collections can be a massive headache, especially if your billing system doesn't intimately integrate with your attendance system. Kindertales is the answer. Empower staff and parents with automated and intelligent billing.
Learn More About Online Billing
Focus for Teachers
We all want educators that are focused and present with the children in their care. That's why Kindertales is designed to be a one-stop-shop for a teacher's daily tasks, all through the classroom app. It allows them to effortlessly complete the admin, so they can go back to where they thrive - with the children.
Learn More About Classroom Management
Connection for Families
These days, families expect high-quality, daily communication about the most important parts of their lives. Go above and beyond by providing them with exceptional customer service and consistent connection with their children.
Learn More About Parent Communication