Imagine Exceeds Parents’ Expectations Thanks to Kindertales
Our software does much more than make it possible to eliminate your child care facility’s dependence on paper documents. As Imagine, a leading early education and childcare facility, learned first-hand, our system makes every aspect of running your business easier — from morning drop-offs to billing and beyond!
About the Company
Imagine Early Education & Childcare is committed to providing early education and childcare that exceeds standards within their local community. This excellent childcare center provides inspiring learning environments for children that promotes creativity, individuality, and self-confidence.
They are passionate about giving children the best possible start in life and believe that children learn best in a quality environment that is happy, nurturing, engaging, and safe.
How We Helped
- Parents love receiving pictures, updates, and notifications from the Kindertales platform, making them feel more involved in their child’s daily activities.
- Digital records cannot be lost, ensuring that Imagine remains in compliance.
- Eliminating paper saves both resources and time.
- Credit card payments are quicker and easier to keep track of.
- Staff member accountability improved with better-scheduled hours, breaks, and records.
Who We Are
Kindertales is an all-in-one childcare management software. Our system makes your operations streamlined and efficient, so you can focus more energy where it matters most — providing top care and education for the children.
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"The Kindertales software has drastically improved our ability to communicate with our parents and our parents’ satisfaction with services provided.”
Danell Burke
Vice President, Marketing at
Imagine Early Education and Childcare
Imagine has found that our software makes it possible to…
Better Handle the Entire Day
Kindertales is a comprehensive software system that childcare providers can use throughout the day. As Danell Burke said, Kindertales is used “from the minute we open to the minute we close.”
Imagine uses it in the morning as families check in. Staff members take photos, keep records, log incidents, create accident reports and illness reports, and handle bus rosters throughout the day with Kindertales. On the administrative side, Imagine does their parent billing through Kindertales and tracks staff hours and lunch breaks. And when the day draws to a close and pickup time arrives, parents also check out through the software.
Directors and others in the office are able to manage the entire operation in one place and make many administrative struggles a thing of the past. If there is a special event on the horizon, like a graduation ceremony or promotion week, Kindertales’s childcare management software enables this as well.
Foster Easy Parent-Teacher Communication
Of course, a childcare center isn’t solely focused on administrative tasks and logging reports. Imagine’s number one goal is and will always be the children in their care. Kindertales makes this easier for Imagine!
One way this Kindertales accomplishes this is through daily notifications to loving parents, keeping them abreast of how their child is doing. Parents love pictures, updates, notifications! Through the parent app, Imagine is able to handle communication in real time. Parents can see where the student was at every moment of care with Imagine. This entails the classroom teams logging times for ointments, food, naps, and diaper changes. Without using our system, all of this would have been done on paper.
Parents, especially those of one- to two-year olds, worry when their child cries at dropoff. Imagine’s teachers know that if a parent has a hard drop off, Kindertales makes it possible to send photos within a few minutes that show they are no longer emotional and crying. This does more than provide comfort to parents, as important as that is. When Imagine is able to show proof of a happy child to parents, it greatly helps prevent disenrollment. Providing this comfort in the first few weeks while the child is transitioning has significantly decreased Imagine’s disenrollment numbers.
Clearly, digital record keeping is good for historical knowledge. Kindertales's ability to support parent communication has increased retention by an estimate of at least by 50%. Better parent communication doesn't just keep existing parents with Imagine — increased referrals are also a major benefit to using Kindertales to connect with parents. Recommendations, where one parent tells another parent how much they enjoy their child attending Imagine, are also associated with this parent communication aspect of the software.
Beyond the daily naps and snacks, Kindertales can also track a child’s advancement in each age group to make sure they are hitting the right milestones. This allows Imagine to have serious and much-needed conversations with parents if milestones are not met.
Additionally, Kindertales digitizes incident and accident reports. This means both parents and the Imagine staff are able to see trends on a given child. If a child is getting hurt, they can go into their individual file, into a calendar view, and then view the bigger picture.
Say Goodbye to Lost Revenue
At its core, a childcare facility is still a business. Kindertales helps with Imagine’s business side of things as well! Our software makes it possible to catch overbilling, saving in lost earnings. Imagine noticed some parents were sending their child to class on days they weren’t scheduled or outside of their agreed-upon hours. Without a digital trace of their attendance and a way to bill the parents, this revenue was being lost. Kindertales automatically recognizes when a child is attending outside of their schedule and bills to account for that time.
Our payment options make it easier for parents to make reliable payments, too. The use of our software eliminates the need for parents to pay via cash or check. Credit card payments go into Imagine’s account quicker than if a parent paid by check, and the accounting team never has to worry about a bounced check.
Imagine isn't the only one benefitting from the financial side of Kindertales. Parents don’t have to worry about filling them out every week!
Get Rid of Expensive, Risky Paper Documents
Imagine found that the ability to digitize their records was huge. Eliminating paper is beneficial beyond saving what you currently spend on the cost of printing, ink, and paper. Our all-in-one system means you have all of the pieces you need, in one place and without needing a physical copy. Imagine no longer worries about paper documents going missing or not being completed..
In the childcare industry, improper documentation can land you in compliance issues with state regulators. Imagine knew if they lost pertinent information, they would be non-compliant — something they took extremely seriously. This could have led to probation, liabilities, and other issues with licensing. Instead, Kindertales’s digitized record keeping ensures that they never had to worry about missing or incomplete documentation again.
Imagine has incorporated our childcare management software into every aspect of their facility. Doing so has saved them countless hours of paper and money on office supplies. Beyond this, it has made their parents so much happier they are seeing an increase in retention rates!
If you're curious whether Kindertales could have a similar impact at your facility, it is time to get in touch. Reach out today for a free consultation!